Our Team

Christine Fernandez

Therapeutic interests: Life Transitions, anxiety, self-empowerment and self-esteem, athletes and competitors, relationship skills, navigating self-identity as a first-generation American.

Cost: $50/ 50-minute session

Katie Elliott

Therapeutic interests: mindfulness-based therapist, somatic experiencing, life transitions, self-empowerment, relationship skills & attachment concerns, transpersonal/psychedelic experience integration, spirituality, the mind-body connection, and walk-and-talk therapy.

Cost: $50/ 50-minute session

Jon-Eric Steinbomer

Specializations and Interests: mind-body connection, Hakomi, Internal Family Systems (IFS), workplace stressors, career burnout, relationship issues, dream work, transpersonal/psychedelic experience integration, and walk-and-talk therapy.

Cost: $50/50-minute session, individual
$70/50-minute session, couples

Melissa Grogan

Specializations and Interests: mindfulness-based therapies, somatic experiencing, vocal empowerment, anxiety, trauma work, attachment issues, dream work, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and gestalt therapy

Cost: $75/50-minute session- individuals
$80/50-minute session- couples